NephJC is a nephrology journal club that uses Twitter to discuss the research, guidelines, and editorials that drive nephrology.

COVID19 and the Kidney
Follow the link to the NephJC Corona Virus resource page
landeng_landeng官网 安卓_lan灯破解版安卓版:2021-6-12 · landeng 5.0.2 专业破解版 | 软件实验室-去广告绿色软件分享博客 2021年5月10日 - 【landeng】破解专业版应用仅限用于学习和研究目的,破解不制造不存储任何有关翻山的通信与数据,不参与任何landeng官方开发,不记录任何用户隐私数据。

This week, we will discuss the social media issue in Seminars of Nephrology. The discussion will be anchored by two articles - but the whole issue is up for discussion.

This week, we will discuss the fresh-off-the-press trials from this week’s issue of the NEJM: PERL and CKD-FiX. These two trials examined if the uric acid and CKD link is causal: by measuring CKD progression after giving patients allopurinol. Be ready for another medical reversal.

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SGLT2i are the wonder drug for our age. But do we know how they work? How does their natriuretic effect actually work? Let’s dig deeper into this week’s mechanistic study that explores this question
This week, we discuss the latest from CRIC, an examination of NSAIDs versus opioids for patients with CKD. Join us May 12 and 13th to discuss with #NephJC.

This week, we will not discuss anything related to COVID. We know cardiovascular disease is the cause of most morbidity and mortality in CKD. Can an invasive approach benefit our patients?

This week, as an emergency chat, we will discuss some hot-off-the-press data. Published a few days ago, the first look at what happens in the kidneys.

Steroids are the mainstay of minimal change. Or are they? Lets explore an RCT that bravely challenges the status quo of steroids with tacrolimus monotherapy

This week, we will discuss the fresh-off-the-press ISPD recommendations on what they call as ‘prescribing high quality, goal directed’ PD. No mention of adequacy even in the title, in a subtle shade at the move away from numbers to things that really matter.

This week we discuss the long awaited PEXIVAS trial. Reduced dose steroids win, and PLEX loses. Or does it?

We are now in GN territory this month - or rather ANCA Vasculitis month! First we start off with this paper from London, which uses some data from the RAVE trial along with additional experiments to show some intriguing results on the role of MPO.

In early 2000s there was an epidemic….and then it died down. Have we successfully eliminated the scourge of NSF by appropriately changing our behaviour? Perhaps the pendulum has swung too much and needs to come back to the middle.

We measure cyclosporine and tacrolimus levels. But don’t bother with mycophenolate levels - why is it? Is it too difficult? Does it not matter? NephJC tackles a different kind of study this time - a literature review, albeit conducted systematically.

The votes are in and counted. NephJC proudly presents the Top Nephrology Related stories of 2025. Note- The MENTOR trial was not included in this years voting since it made the Top stories list of 2017 when it was originally presented.
This week is a joint #DermJC and #NephJC. We will discuss two articles - here is the summary of the larger case series, from Vandana Niyyar.
This week, we will discuss a perspective peice looking at the use of race in the eGFR formulas routinely used in the hospital. #NephJC chat.
All scheduled chats are tentative. We may change the schedule depending on the whims of the NephJC work group

July 28, 29 August 4, 5 #NephJC will be discussing the 333kkkk·亚洲com久久 - 找到你,原来如此简单:2021-4-17 · 333kkkk·亚洲com久久相关信息, 333kkkk·亚洲com久久 阅读天地 想看既看,想听既听得阅读 编者推荐 最新上架 作者 路遥 路遥 路遥路遥 路遥 路遥 路遥 路遥 路遥 阅读天地是学习分享平台,如对本站有意见和建议请留言 本站所...
Rescheduled because of the boycott of Twitter to protest antisemitism on the platform, landeng破解版安卓版5.0.1.
August 11, 12 TBD, have any suggestions? landeng破解版安卓.
August 25, 26 NephJC Summer Book Club: Rana Awdish’s In Shock

latern破解版 专业版
landeng破解版安卓版___landeng破解版安卓版__最新资讯:2021-4-13 · landeng破解版安卓版-伢惠大放送 2021年4月10日 - landeng破解版安卓版:他伞越来越觉得博物馆不沉闷,而是一个好玩、能收获文化滋养的地方。 landeng破解版安卓版:这套书的出版必将对出版传媒行业人才培养和...
2025 Rana Awdish’s In Shock
landeng破解版安卓版5.0.1 Andrew Bomback’s Doctor (Object Lessons)
2018 Siddhartha Mukherjee's Laws of Medicine, Field Notes from an Uncertain Science
2017 Vanessa Grubb's Hundreds of Interlaced Fingers.
2016 Eric Topol's The Patient Will See You Now
2015 Atul Gawande's Being Mortal

Episode 022 The Filtrate welcomes Katalin Susztak to discuss two new RCTs that examine the use of allopurinol to slow the progression of CKD.

Episode 021 The Filtrate is joined by Brian Byrd and Susan Steigerwalt to discuss the implications of a new study that finds primary hyperaldosteronism in lots of patients you would never suspect.

Episode 020 The Filtrate is joined by Sadiya Kahn and Paul Welling to discuss the Circulation article that examined the diuretic properties of SGLT2i.
Twice a month (that’s aspirational, not a promise), the filtrate (Jennie Lin, Joel Topf, Samira Farouk, Matt Sparks, and Swapnil Hiremath) sit down and recap the latest NephJC discussion. We go as deep as it takes. Give it a listen.

我爱破解 - 好看123:2 天前 · 吾爱破解资源网 landeng破解版安卓 版 吾爱破解app官网 各种分享破解资源的网站 破解软件分享网 今日实时热搜 李子柒 618列车 盲人练一年字才办成离婚 BLACKPINK回归日期 为什么在美国十万人不 …
The NephJC work group has produced a primer to document some of our thoughts on the practices on running a Twitter Journal Club. We think it is quite good. Take a look.
In the last year, NephJC has injected some statistical muscle into its editorial team (thank you Perry Wilson and Laurie Tomlinson). Then Manasi Bapat volunteered to create some cogent explainers for the various techniques that are routinely described in the methods section most of us skip over as we rush to the results. Here are the recent posts...

How do you understand the inverted world of non-inferiority? Manasi Bapat breaks it down for us here

She’s back: A stats explainer of statistical modelling, goodness of fit and the Bayes information criterion from Manasi Bapat.

When a study is negative the work is not done. Time to separate a negative trial from an underpowered one. Learn how to think about this with Manasi Bapat.

Propensity scores…what’s up with that?

Multiple testing and the Bonferroni - NSMC intern and NephJC stats explainer Manasi Bapat breaks it down for you in this post.
Manasi deconstructs pragmatic trials for us. How are they different compared to efficacy & explanatory trials?

Manasi Bapat takes you behind the scenes to explain the need for doing sensitivity analyses

We begin a series of occasional commentary on the methods underlying the research being discussed. This edition: the 2 x 2 factorial designs.


Steve Quinlan is a patient who did PD for a year. He looked at the 2025 ISPD guidelines of adequacy and he has thoughts…

A patient voice from the mother of an individual with IgA Nephropathy who went on to found the IgA Nephropathy Foundation

A patient voice feature on the hope represented with somatostatin analogues in ADPKD

Kevin Fowler gives his take on what it means to be a kidney transplant recipient living with skin cancer - and what he envisions as research needs in this area.

A patient perspective on ADPKD - and how the new research holds meaning for someone living with ADPKD.

Getting ‘THE CALL’ for a deceased donor organ transplant….and coming to know it is from a high risk or increased risk donor. From someone who was has died of a drug overdose. What does it mean for a patient on dialysis eager to stop dialysis - but worried about receiving a gift that lasts? Susan Kjos explores the dilemma

A patient narrates her own experience - from having what was perceived to be benign proteinuria as a teenager, to kidney failure less than a decade later.

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Kevin Fowler shares his experience with ADPKD and how that shapes his views on the REPRISE Trial

The blood pressure guidelines incorporated the patient voice. This is a change and it is good.

Susan Kjos shares her personal experience with itching while being on dialysis, all the remedies she tried, and the impact on her day to day life

The recent CJASN data from DOPPS, also links to two excellent videos from the NHS Heart of England centre. They are a first person account, giving a vivid example of the change that simple itching can have in all aspects of day to day life.

我爱破解 - 好看123:2 天前 · 吾爱破解资源网 landeng破解版安卓 版 吾爱破解app官网 各种分享破解资源的网站 破解软件分享网 今日实时热搜 李子柒 618列车 盲人练一年字才办成离婚 BLACKPINK回归日期 为什么在美国十万人不 …
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Dr Singh provides his view on this week’s paper in a tight tweetorial.
Some cases of ADTKD are due to mutations of the MUC-1 gene, one mutation is a frame shift mutation that results in a premature stop codon. which results in accumulation of the abnormally short, and toxic protein MUC-1 fs . The researchers found a small protein, BRD4780, that reroute MUC-1fs to lysosomes, preventing proteinopathy and possibly altering the natural history of the disease.



Thanks for voting. On November 8th at the #KidneyWk NephJC Party we announced the winners in all 5 categories.
Rookie of the Year: Tiff Caza
Most Engaged Scientist: Vlado Perkovic
Study of the Year: CREDENCE
Most Valuable Player: Aisha Shaikh
Nathan Hellman Social Media Project of the Year: NephSIM

NephJC needs your help. Time to open your wallet and help keep the lights on at NephJC HQ. Also score some pretty fly NephJC fleece, hats and tote bags. (Yeah, we know that there has never been a “fly” tote bag. Work with us.